A Satisfied Customer is the Best Strategy of All

Although the software is incredibly easy to use, we’re here when you need additional support. Below are a few resources to get you started. If you're a current user and you need technical support, please contact us.
Discover QI-Pro
QI-Pro allows you to analyze and interpret seismic attributes in multiple cross plots.
Quantitative Interpretation to Optimize Field Development
Quantitative information and interpretation can optimize your field development plan. Sound QI's Chief Geophysicist, Carl Reine, discusses quantitative interpretation of seismic data, a key component in optimal field development.
How to Interpret Seismic Data Without Picking a Horizon
Seismic interpretation has not fundamentally changed in decades. Interpreters are limiting ourselves to the ‘spacetime continuum’... But what if there was a better way? See what Sound QI has in mind and watch a previously recorded webinar.
QI-Pro SeisWare Connector
SeisWare is an important technology partner for Sound QI. Sound QI leverages SeisWare’s Software Development Kit (SDK) to externally connect QI-Pro to SeisWare software applications. This will allow SeisWare software users to select and transfer data from their projects into QI-Pro’s interactive, crossplotting environment, ensuring easy, on-the-fly interpretation updates between the two products. Join us as we walk through our QI-Pro SeisWare Connector.
What, Exactly, do Seismic Attributes Mean?
This webinar is here to help. Boost your attribute confidence! Learn what constitutes an ‘attribute’. Learn how to make your own. And, most importantly, learn how to make meaningful predictions from whatever attributes you happen to have on hand.
QI for Engineers
Explaining the QI method in general terms, how it is applied to seismic data, what the outputs mean and how they can complement other information about the reservoir from well and production knowledge. At the same time, the QI method itself can be applied to reservoir management. The combination of the additional detail from seismic data and, in turn, refocusing the method will give engineers new insights and new tools to make better decisions based on superior understanding of the reservoir.
Case Studies & Articles
How to get more from the rock properties and lithologies associated with seismic inversion results
When you have dozens of wells and hundreds of attributes, how do you determine which attributes, or more precisely - which combination of attributes, are associated with marginal vs. excellent well performance? How can you utilize seismic data to more accurately predict production volumes? These were the questions the geophysicist at Painted Pony wanted to understand to help his reservoir engineers and geologists select the most lucrative well locations, and to inform completions strategies based on seismically derived rock properties.
Optimizing the Human/Machine Partnership: Revealing More Value Than Ever from Investments in Data
Geoscientists and their friends fall into two polarized camps these days: the ‘machine learning/AI will replace humans’ camp and the ‘a computer can’t possibly learn the kind of creativity required to do geology’ camp. Neither is right. If the two camps all got together in a crowded room, it would be like the chocolate-lover and the peanut butter-lover bumping into each other in the street and creating my favorite sweet treat, the Reese’s peanut butter cup! The whole is definitely tastier than the sum of its parts.
The Evolution of Geoscience
It’s a little cliché to say, but technology is changing so fast that it’s difficult to keep up. Computer storage, processing speeds and visualization capabilities continue to grow overwhelmingly; “integration” (however you define it) is the dream of most geoscience departments and generic “big data” analysis techniques are evolving rapidly – this is indeed an exciting time to be a geophysicist, a scientist, a human being.
Technical Papers
A rock-physics based classification of the Doba Basin of Chad
Rock-physics models provide the means to translate the elastic properties obtained from seismic inversion, into geological attributes that carry more intuitive meaning for reservoir development. In this presentation, we create a rock model that initially is based on x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, fluid analysis, and engineering parameters. We then extend the model to account for the interbedded nature of the reservoir, using net-to-gross ratio (N:G), along with porosity, to create a geological model of the field.
Incorporating 3C seismic data quantitatively for enhanced geologic detail in an oil sands reservoir
A workflow incorporating converted-wave (PS) data in an integrated quantitative interpretation (QI) was illustrated with a case study in the Canadian oil sands in which multiple data types were available including high-quality 3D multicomponent data, dipole sonic logs, and a multicomponent walk-away vertical seismic profile (VSP). In an area with unconventional rock property behavior and complex fluid distributions, the dipole sonic logs provided the data necessary for robust deterministic rock-physics templates...
Quantitative Seismic Interpretation in a Canadian Shale Gas Reservoir
A big challenge in unconventional resource development is how to optimize production for attractive economics. An often overlooked factor in this optimization is the geology. This peer-reviewed paper describes a detailed integrated analysis of seismic data including the rarely-acquired (and even more rarely processed) converted-shear-wave (PS) data. The results predicted variations in reservoir properties and quality that can contribute vital information to the decision-making.
Practical Quantitative Interpretation
Discover how to use quantitative interpretation (QI) techniques to get more insight and value out of your seismic data. This course covers all aspects of a QI workflow from a high-level practical perspective, including rock physics, well log data analysis, pre-stack seismic analysis for elastic properties, AI, integration with other data types and geological property classification.
We offer this popular 2 or 3-day course in a variety of ways. Sound QI CEO, Laurie Weston, has taught it several times as part of the CSEG annual training week “Doodletrain”. We can also deliver a custom in-house version upon request. For a convenient self-directed on-demand version, Practical QI is offered through Saga Wisdom’s online training platform.